Top Ten Facts About Coffee That You Might Not Know
1. Coffee beans aren’t really beans Despite their appearance coffee ‘beans’ actually originate from the pit, (or seed) of a small bright red fruit called a coffee cherry. 2. A goat herder was the first to discover coffee Or more accurately his goats were. Dating back to the 1500s, an Ethiopian herder noticed his […]
Meet our friends – Calico Campers
If travelling is your thing, then Calico Campers have got you covered. Like ourselves they are based in Cheshire with Directors and Co-owners Claire Havey and Mark Armstrong, currently owning two campervans called ‘Dani’ and ‘Archie.’ Both of which are available to hire all year round. Established in May 2021, this quirky company was founded […]
Exploring Coffee Growing Regions with Ginger Monkey Coffee Roasters in Chester
History As one of the world’s largest producers in the coffee industry, it would be no surprise to us if Brazilian coffee is the one you’ve heard most about, but how exactly did coffee production start in Brazil? Originally established by French settlers in the 18th century, the coffee plant was brought to the state […]